Registration Schedule
Registration for the fall and spring semesters consists of two phases: continuing student registration and open registration. During the summer semester, only open registration is used.
Continuing student registration allows currently enrolled students and former students who have readmitted access to the registration system in accordance with the Enrollment Appointment schedule. New students customarily enroll during an Orientation/Registration program that also involves placement testing and an introduction to the campus. Guest students must complete a Guest Application Form before participating in open registration, and former students must be readmitted. Applications for readmission and Guest Student Applications can be obtained from the Office of Registration and Records and from the Registration and Records web site: Applications for admission as a degree-seeking student can be obtained from the Office of Admissions, 110 McFall Center, 419-372-2478.
All tuition/fees are due and payable prior to the first day of the semester on a date determined by the Office of the Bursar and displayed on students' bill. If payment or an approved payment arrangement is outstanding, the registration is subject to being cancelled and/or the assessment of late fees and service charges.
Updated: 03/16/2022 11:53AM