Advanced Standing

Advanced standing may be achieved in six ways:

  • Demonstrating appropriate achievement on Bowling Green placement tests, which leads to exemption from courses but not credit.
  • Passing an examination administered by an academic department of the University (see credit by examination).
  • Completing a college-level course in high school and earning a prescribed grade in an Advanced Placement examination administered in the high school through the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). This leads to college course credit and/or exemption. (For more information, see Advanced Placement.)
  • Attaining appropriate scores on specific CLEP subject examinations. This leads to credit as approved by appropriate academic departments. (Not all academic departments accept credit for completion of CLEP Examinations.) For more information on CLEP subject examinations, contact Transfer Evaluation Services in the Office of Registration and Records. For information on scheduling a CLEP subject examination, contact Accessibility Services (see CLEP).
  • Passing a higher-level course in sequence with a grade of "C" or above and thereby earning credit for lower-level sequence courses in prescribed departments.
  • Admitted students with considerable work/life experience matching specific course content may be eligible for credit through writing a portfolio about what they have learned. Students will be required to complete an interview with the Program Coordinator in Nontraditional and Military Student Services.

Updated: 03/16/2022 11:53AM