Workforce Education and Development

College of Education and Human Development

529 Education Building, 419-372-7320

A graduate completing a Workforce Education and Development major is eligible for a career-technical teaching license providing that he or she has met all program requirements, has successfully completed the state-required assessments, and meets all license requirements.

Students must complete one of the following two specializations:

Business and Marketing Education (leads to integrated business and marketing licensure) or
Family and Consumer Sciences Education (leads to family and consumer sciences education licensure)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Workforce Education and Development are expected to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of student learning and development and diversity of students;
  • Apply skills in planning and delivering effective instruction, assessing students, creating learning environments, and collaborating and communicating with students, their parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning;
  • Demonstrate understanding of the importance of assuming responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as individuals and as members of a learning community;
  • Demonstrate understanding of content for which they will have instructional responsibility as a teacher.

Business and Marketing Education (content: 57 hours) - Spring 2020 course requirements.
Family and Consumer Sciences Education (content: 54 hours) - Spring 2020 course requirements

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM