Teacher Licensure

College of Educatin and Human Development

To be recommended for teacher licensure by BGSU, candidates must have proficiency in writing (WRIT 1120), communication (COMM 1020), and mathematics (by satisfying the BGSU quantitative literacy requirement). They must also complete all licensure program requirements as specified on the program checksheet and in the University catalog, have a minimum BGSU cumulative GPA of 2.50, pass the State of Ohio mandated educator licensure examination(s) specific to their desired licensure area and submit the appropriate application materials and fees to the Student and Academic Services Office (102 Education) for processing and submission to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) or the licensing agency of another state.

In addition, for the ODE to approve a licensure application, a candidate must meet the State of Ohio criteria for being “deemed of good moral character” (defined as being cleared on the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks). Background check information is distributed at the student teaching/internship orientation meeting each semester and is also available from the Office of Accreditation and Licensure (455 Education Building). Complete licensure applications and associated materials should be submitted to the Office of Accreditation and Licensure by the announced deadline in the candidate’s final term of enrollment in the desired licensure program.

For continuously enrolled students (i.e., from admission to program completion), licensure program requirements are specific to the year in which the licensure program was begun and are specified in the catalog and on the program checksheet. Ohio Department of Education (ODE) licensure criteria, including licensure exam requirements and qualifying scores, are subject to change. Applicants must meet the requirements at the time of licensure application. Licensure exam requirements are posted on the ODE and Educational Testing Service (ETS) websites. Students who delay their application for State of Ohio licensure (defined by the date when application is complete and ready for submission to the ODE) for longer than one academic year (or specified grace period extension) from their program completion/graduation must meet current, State-approved program/licensure requirements at the time of application. Changes in these requirements during the interim between program completion/graduation and application may result in the applicant having to meet additional requirements before BGSU can recommend licensure.

Ohio teaching licenses are not automatically transferable to other states. For specific information regarding certification/licensure requirements in other states, contact the associated Department of Education.

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM