Physical Education Health Education

College of Education and Human Development

109C Eppler Center, 419-372-6905

A graduate completing a physical education and health education major is eligible for multi-age (PK-12) teaching licenses in each content area, providing that he or she has a 2.5 accumulative grade point average and has successfully completed the required Ohio Assessments for Educators examinations in each content area.

Learning Outcomes

The PEHE program:

  1. Prepares students to become highly effective and reflective teachers of physical education and health education for the PK-12 school setting.
  2. Prepares students to earn State of Ohio Multi-age (grades PK-12) teaching licenses in both physical education and health education.

Develops Health Education teachers who are:

  1. Able to plan and implement effective health education curricula and lessons
  2. Able to assess needs and learning outcomes of their students
  3. Able to develop a coordinated school health program
  4. Knowledgeable health resource persons
  5. Effective communicators and advocates for comprehensive health education
  6. Responsive to the needs of students and the community

Develops Physical Education teachers who are:

  1. Versatile, skillful movers
  2. Healthy and role models
  3. Knowledgeable about human movement, in the sciences relating to human movement
  4. Creating personal meaning and enjoyment of movement in their students
  5. Utilizing appropriate current pedagogical practices in physical education.

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Education are expected to:

  • Demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals in both content areas of health education and physical education.
  • Demonstrate competence in all of the OSTP, SHAPE America (AAHE, 2008 standards), and the SHAPE America (NASPE, 2008 standards).

The BGSU Physical Education Teacher Education program received NASPE/NCATE (Specialized Professional Association) program accreditation in 2013, and in 2007 the PETE program at Bowling Green State University received National Recognition through NASPE and NCATE on its first report. The program was among the first in the country to present all the necessary evidence in the initial report that teacher candidates graduate with the knowledge, skills, and dispostions required by the NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education standards (2008, 2011).

Spring 2020 course requirements

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM