Organization of the College
College of Education and Human Development
The College of Education and Human Development's academic structure consists of five schools and one department:
- The School of Family and Consumer Sciences
- The School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies
- The School of Counseling and Special Education
- The School of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Policy
- The School of Teaching and Learning
- The Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs
(More information about the schools and department are below)
School of Family and Consumer Sciences
The School of Family and Consumer Sciences provides students with the opportunity to advance and apply knowledge about individuals and families as well as contexts of human development across the life span. Students are educated from a perspective that emphasizes multidisciplinary study across areas of specialization in the School as well as other academic disciplines. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of collaborative partnerships to service the needs of children, families, and individuals across the life-span.
The School provides undergraduate programs through majors in apparel merchandising and product development, human development and family studies, dietetics, interior design, and nutrition sciences. Student organizations related to each major provide opportunities for broadening the educational experience, exploring career and graduate-level options, and developing collegial relationships.
School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies
The School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies includes two divisions (Kinesiology and Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism) and two program areas (Graduate Program and Physical Education General Program). Both divisions have active student organizations that help students explore the career and graduate school opportunities within their majors.
Students in the Kinesiology Division (KNS) study for a variety of careers dealing with human movement. They may become pre-K through grade 12 Physical Educators or Exercise Science specialists. They also may major in Dance, focusing on modern dance and classical ballet, performance/choreography, or teaching in non-school settings. Exercise Science majors specializing in human movement often use their degree as a pre-medical, pre-sports psychology, or pre-physical therapy degree, or as fitness specialists or personal trainers.
Students in the Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism (SMRT) Division major in one of four areas: Sport Management, Recreation, Tourism, or Athletic Training/Clinic Management. These students are preparing to work in the sport/recreation/tourism industries or nonprofit agencies, or they are preparing to become certified athletic trainers in a variety of allied health care settings.
The Physical Education General program (PEG) offers instruction in physical activity and opportunities to exercise for the general University student. These classes take advantage of the modern facilities available in the Gertrude M. Eppler Complex, the Student Recreation Center, the Perry Fieldhouse, and the Ice Arena.
School of Counseling and Special Education
Degree programs offered through the School of Counseling and Special Education prepare individuals to work in school and community settings, providing them with a variety of experiences in the field. The teacher preparation programs enable students to become licensed/endorsed through state licensing boards. Programs include: Deaf/Hard of Hearing (PreK-12), Mild/Moderate (K-12), Moderate/Intensive (K-12), and Developmental Disabilities and Habilitation.
School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
The School of Leadership and Policy Studies prepares educators to assume leadership roles in formulating and implementing administrative policy to all levels of education. A variety of graduate preparation programs are offered to meet the needs of individuals wishing to begin or continue their graduate education for eventual placement within educational settings ranging from elementary through higher education as well as in cross-cultural and international settings. In addition to the formal graduate degree programs, the school provides programmatic support for both graduate and undergraduate education in the areas of social foundations of education, comparative education, educational psychology, and research methodology.
School of Teaching and Learning
Undergraduate degree programs offered through the School of Teaching and Learning include: Early Childhood Education (pre-kindergarten through grade 3), Middle Childhood Education (grades 4-9), Adolescent/Young Adult Education (mathematics, sciences, social studies, and language arts in grades 7-12), World Language Education (Spanish, French, German, Russian, Latin for ages 3-21), Business Education and Marketing Education (both grades 4-12). The goal of each program is to prepare individuals to work in school settings. All of the programs enable students to become licensed through the Ohio Department of Education, following successful completion of the degree program and state licensure exams. Graduate programs, including assistantships, are available for students who wish to continue their education to earn a reading endorsement or Master of Education degree in Reading, Curriculum and Teaching, Classroom Technology, or Business/Marketing Education.
Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs
The Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs at BGSU is home to two graduate programs: the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Higher Education Administration and the Master of Arts (M.A.) in College Student Personnel.
The Higher Education Administration program offers a strong but flexible curriculum designed to prepare students for a variety of leadership positions in teaching, academic administration, and student affairs in postsecondary educational settings. In addition to core courses, students complete a cognate of specialized coursework and must develop an understanding of higher education in a non-U.S. setting through a global understanding requirement which can be fulfilled through coursework or study or internships abroad.
The College Student Personnel degree is designed to prepare individuals for employment within the general area of student affairs and student development services in postsecondary education. This program offers both rigorous academic preparation and extensive experiential learning opportunities through a required two-year internship.
See the Graduate Catalog for information about graduate programs in Education and Human Development, including classroom technology, gifted and talented, guidance and counseling, intervention specialist, reading, rehabilitation counseling, school psychology, college student personnel, cross-cultural and international education, administration and supervision, higher education, and leadership studies.
Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM