Leadership Minor

The minor in Leadership offers students a multi-disciplinary program of study that will provide students with the knowledge and skills of leadership within numerous fields.

Students learn leadership skills that can be utilized in a wide variety of careers. The minor is open to all majors across the university and may be particularly useful for those in business, education, social work, health and human services, or political science.

The minor consists of a minimum of 18 credit hours. Five courses are required. Students must also select additional courses from a designated list that is responsive to their interest and choice.

Required Minor Courses (15 credits):

LEAD 1000: Foundations of Leadership
LEAD 2010: Leadership and Service
LEAD 2020: Multicultural Leadership
LEAD 3010: Organizational Change
LEAD 3020: Ethical Leadership

Choose from the following courses for a minimum of 3 credits:

BAT 2050: Total Quality Leadership
COMM 3040: Leadership in Communication
ESHP 2040: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
HDFS 1060: Families, Communities, and Schools
LEAD 4890: Leadership Internship
MGMT 3050: Principles of Organization and Management
MGMT 3600: Organizational Theory and Behavior
POLS 3460: The Presidency
PSYC 3500: Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
THEM 1900: Recreation Leadership

Credit-bearing courses from the Center for Leadership, up to a maximum of three credits, may also be taken as electives for the minor. In order to count the minor, these courses must be taken for academic credit.

Other relevant courses may be counted toward the minor, upon approval of program coordinator.  

Leadership Minor - Spring 2020 course requirements

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM