Human Development and Family Studies Minor

College of Education and Human Development

118 Eppler Center, 419-372-2026

The minor in Human development and Family Studies (HDFS) is designed to offer students an introduction to family studies courses in addition to a broad understanding of human development across the lifespan as well as focused coursework in a specific development age. Students gain a greater understanding of contemporary family systems, development, and challenges through a strengths-based perspective. Courses in the minor cover topics such as diversity, resource management, sexuality, and family challenges. The minor also emphasizes human development within context.

Students learn how families function and interact with other societal systems making the minor helpful for undergraduates who wish to work with families in the future. The minor is open to non-HDFS majors across the university and may be particularly useful for those in behavioral and health science, as well as education and human service majors.

The minor consists of 21 credit hours. Four courses are required; students must select three additional courses from a designated list that is responsive to their interests and personal choice.

Required Courses: (12 total credits)
HDFS 1050: Human Development Across the Lifespan (3)
HDFS 1930Q: Inquiry in Individuals and Society (3)
HDFS 2020: Contemporary Marriages and Families (3)
HDFS 3050: Family Resource Management (3)
HDFS 4280: Sexuality in HDFS (3)

One of the following: (3 total credits)
HDFS 2200: Infancy and Toddlerhood (3)
HDFS 2210: Child Development (3)
HDFS 2280: Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Development (3)
HDFS 2290: Adult Development (3)

Two of the following: (6 total hours)
HDFS 2080: Family Diversity (3)
HDFS 3250: Child and Family Under Stress (3)
HDFS 3290: Families in Mid to Later Years (3)

Minor: (21 hour minimum) - Spring 2020 course requirements

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM