Apparel Merchandising and Product Development Minor
The minor in Apparel Merchandising and Product Development (AMPD) offers students a broad understanding of the textile and apparel industry from a product development perspective. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the global fashion industry specific to apparel fundamentals, merchandising strategies, or retailing.
Students learn how the textile and apparel industry function in a global environment, making the minor helpful for undergraduates who wish to work in an area related to the apparel industry. The minor is open to all non-AMPD majors across the university and may be particularly useful for those in art, business, interior design, theater, and event planning.
The minor consists of 21 credit hours; seven courses. Five courses are required. Students must also select two additional courses from a designated list that is responsive to their personal interest and choice.
Required Minor Courses: (15 total credits)
AMPD 1510: Apparel & Textile Industry
AMPD 2510: Fundamentals of Apparel
AMPD 2810: Textiles for Apparel
AMPD 3510: Fashion Forecasting
AMPD 4510: Global Issues in Apparel and Textiles
Choose two of the following courses: (6 total credits)
AMPD 2020: Merchandising Math
AMPD 3130: Textile Product Analysis
AMPD 3600: Multi-Channel Retailing
AMPD 4020: Merchandising Soft Goods
AMPD 4400: Computers for Apparel Products
Updated: 04/02/2020 10:53AM