Suggested Four-Year Schedule

College of Business  

Bachelor of Science in Economics
  • First year
    • WRIT 1110 and/or WRIT 1120 (3-6)
    • MATH 1260 (5) or 1310 (5), or 1340 (3) and 1350 (3), or BA 1600 (3) and BA 1700 (3). Students are strongly urged to take 1310 or 1340 and 1350.
    • BG Perspective, general degree requirements, and/or elective courses
  • Second year
    • ECON 2020 (3), 2030 (3)
    • BA 2110 (3), 2120 (3)
    • BG Perspective, general degree requirements, cognate concentration, and/or elective courses
  • Third year
    • ECON 3020 (3), 3030 (3), 4730 (3) and one from: 4010 or 4020 (3)
    • BG Perspective, general degree requirements, cognate concentration, and/or elective courses
  • Fourth year
    • ECON electives (18)
    • BG Perspective, general degree requirements, cognate concentration, and/or elective courses
Other programs in economics

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:52AM