Suggested Four-Year Schedule

College of Business  

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

In general, 1000-level courses should be taken during the freshman year, 2000-level courses during the sophomore year, 3000-level courses during the junior year, and 4000-level courses during the senior year. Following these levels is particularly important for core courses. All prerequisite course requirements must be met prior to enrolling in any course. See the course description for each course. A typical schedule for a student in the BSBA degree is as follows:

  • First year (30-32 hours)
    • BA 1500 (3)
    • WRIT 1110 and/or 1120 (3-6)
    • MATH 1260 or 1310, BA 1600 and BA 1700, or both MATH 1340 and 1350 (5-6)
    • BG Perspective courses and/or electives (20-24)
  • Second year (30-32 hours)
    • Admission courses: ACCT 2210, 2220; BA 2030; ECON 2020, 2030; IS 2000; BA 2110; BA 2120
    • Four courses must be completed with at least a "C" by 45 hours. (All eight courses are required for graduation)
    • BG Perspective courses and/or electives (6)
  • Third and fourth years (60 hours)
    • BA 3500 (3)
    • Business core courses: ECON 3020, 3030, 3040, 3110, or 3510; FIN 3000; LEGS 3010; MGMT 3000, 3600 and 4060; MKT 2010 and BA 3800 (24)
    • Business core capstone course: BA 4500 (3) (following successful completion of FIN 3000, MKT 2010, MGMT 3000 and 3600, BA 3500 and BA 3800, senior standing and BSBA admission)
    • Area of specialization (15-27)
    • BG Perspective courses and/or electives (6-18)

Although this represents the program for a typical student, students are encouraged to complete a minor and to participate in internships, cooperative education, and education abroad programs. Areas of specialization have more precise requirements, as shown on the following pages.

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:52AM