International Business Minor

College of Business  

Department of Management
3018 Business Administration Building, 419-372-2946

The international business minor is designed for students interested in how to conduct business globally. It is available to ALL students except those completing the International Business Specialization with a BSBA degree.

Program Requirements (15 - 21 hours) - Spring 2020 course requirements
15 credit hours for business students and 21 credit hours for non-business students**

Required 2 courses (6 Credit Hours) for both business and non-students:

  • MGMT 3900 (3)        Business in the Global Arena
  • MGMT 4400 (3)        Global Management

Required for non-business students, choose 2 courses (6 Credit Hours) from ACCT, ECON, and/or MKT shown below:

  • ACCT 2000* (3)    Accounting Concepts for Non-business Students
  • ECON 2000* (3)    Introduction to Economics
  • OR ECON 2020     Principles of Microeconomics
  • OR ECON 2030     Principles of Macroeconomics
  • MKT 3000* (3)      Principles of Marketing for Non-Business Majors

Choose 2 Courses (6 Credit Hours):

For business students**:     MGMT 4920 (Limited to 6 hours), MGMT 4390; ECON 4540; FIN 4100; LEGS 4060; MKT 3020, 4550; MGMT 3300, 4420.

For non-business students:     MGMT 4920 (Limited to 6 hours), MGMT 4390; ECON 3510, 4540; FIN 3000, 4100; LEGS 3010; 4060; MKT 3020, 4550; MGMT 3000, 3050, 3300, 3600, 4420.

And/or courses equivalent to those listed above that are pre-approved by the department chair for study abroad (3-6 credit hours)

Choose One Course (3 Credit Hours):

One foreign language course at the 2000 level or above (advanced language)**


AFRS 2000; CAST 2010; CHIN 2160, 3120; ETHN 2110, 2200, 3010; FREN 2220, 3840, 3850; GEOG 2250, 2300, 2630, 3470, 3490; GERM 2000, 2150, 2160; HIST 3100, 3170, 3770, 3820, 4540, 4550; ITAL 3610, 3710, 3720; INST 2000; JAPN 2150, 3120; POLS 3510, 3520, 3530, 3660, 4540; RUSN 2150, 2160, 3120, 3160; SOC 2310; SPAN 2700, 3660, 3760.


All courses must be taken for a letter grade, and only courses for which a grade of "C" or better is earned will be counted toward the minor.

For business students, ECON 2000 and ACCT 2000 are not counted towards a BSBA degree.   

The total number of hours earned in the College of Business by non-business students may not exceed 25 percent or 30 hours of the 122 minimum needed for graduation, counting the major and minor (six hours of STAT and nine hours of ECON are exempt from this limitation).

* Courses that are designed for non-business students

**All students must complete at least 15 credit hours toward the minor that are not counted in the student's major or specialization or in another minor. Substitute courses must be approved by the department.

Updated: 04/02/2020 10:52AM