Insurance and Risk Management
College of Business
BSBA areas of specialization
Department of Finance
201 Business Administration Building, 419-372-2520
The Insurance and Risk Management Specialization is designed for business students to prepare them to be an insurance specialist, with the academic and professional levels of education needed to advise on insurance, risk management and manage insurance company and agent operations. The program is one of only a few programs in the state of Ohio specifically focused on insurance and risk management.
BSBA general degree requirements
Students completing the insurance and risk management specialization must complete University, general degree, admission core, and business core requirements for the BSBA degree, including admission to the BSBA program.
Insurance and Risk Management specialization (22 hours) - Spring 2020 course requirements
- Required: 5 courses (13 credits)
FIN 4210 (3 credits) Rish Management and Insurance Planning
INS 2100 (1 credits) Introduction to Insurance and Insurance Careers
INS 3220 (3 credits) Life and Health Insurance
INS 3230 (3 credits) Property and Liability Insurance
INS 3250 (3 credits) Risk Financing in Insurance
2. Electives: choose three courses (9 credits) with at least two FIN courses from the following:
FIN 3400 (3 credits) Financial Markets
FIN 4130 (3 credits) Personal Financial Planning
FIN 4140 (3 credits) Retirement and Employee Benefits Planning
FIN 4350 (3 credits) Investment Analysis
MKT 3400 (3 credits) Professional Selling
MKT 4050 (3 credits) Services Marketing
- INS 2100 can be taken in sophomore year.
- All courses in the Insurance and Risk Management Specialization must be taken for a letter grade.
- A grade of C or better in FIN 3000 is required to take any 3000- or 4000-level FIN courses and INS 3220 and 3230.
- Substitute courses must be approved by the Department.
Updated: 04/02/2020 10:52AM