Individualized Business (I Business)
College of Business
BSBA areas of specialization
Undergraduate Student Development
253 Business Administration Building, 419-372-2747
The individualized business (I business) specialization in the BSBA program is designed for students who want to obtain a broad business background or who want a business program tailored to their specific needs. The individualized business specialization may be chosen by a student who is interested in general management, small business, family business, or entrepreneurial firms, or interested in a particular industry or sector of the economy. A wide range of study areas, courses, and careers are possible.
Students are required to design the individualized business specialization in consultation with a College academic advisor.
BSBA general degree requirements
Students completing the individualized business specialization must complete University, general degree, admission core, and business core requirements for the BSBA degree, including admission to the BSBA program.
Individualized Business specialization (18 - 24 hours) - Spring 2020 course requirements
- Achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the specialization.
- Six courses (at least 18 credit hours) should be selected from the areas and courses listed below, with approval of a College academic advisor.
- No more than four courses may be taken from any one area.
Areas and Courses
- Accounting: ACCT 3210, 3310 to 4510, 4600
- Applied Health Sciences: AHS 3250
- Business administration: BA 3100, 4200
- Economics: ECON 3020 to 4730
- Entrepreneurship: ESHP 3040, 3140, 3240, 4040
- Finance: FIN 3400 to 4550
- Human resources and organizations: MGMT 3610, 4540 to 4650
- Information systems: IS 3120 to 4720
- Legal studies: LEGS 3050, 4020 to 4900
- Marketing: MKT 3020 to 4050, 4100 to 4550
- Supply Chain Management: MGMT 3300, 4410, 4420, 4450, 4470
- Other non-business areas approved by a College academic advisor.
[Note: Although MGMT courses are listed under human resources and organizations, and supply chain management areas, these are considered distinct areas.]
Updated: 04/02/2020 10:52AM