Individualized Studies
College of Education and Human Development
Some students in the College of Education and Human Development decide late in the four-year sequence that they do not wish to complete their methods, student teaching, and/or internship. To accommodate students who choose or do not qualify for their original program of study, the college has a plan whereby students with at least a 2.0 accumulative grade point average may select Individualized Studies as a vehicle for bachelor's degree completion.
Students desiring an Individualized Studies program must consult with a college advisor in the Student and Academic Services Office. If an Individualized Studies program is approved and the student is in a licensure program, the student is no longer eligible for licensure. If a student decides to pursue licensure after graduating with an Individualized Studies major, he or she must file an application (available in the College of Education and Human Development Student and Academic Services Office). Individualized Studies graduates may not return to the University to seek teacher licensure for a period of AT LEAST ONE ONE YEAR following graduation. At that time, Individualized Studies graduates must appeal to pursue licensure and must meet program/state licensure expectations/requirements for the desired license determined by current program, university, and state requirements/policies.
Updated: 04/01/2019 03:35PM