College of Education and Human Development
109 Eppler Center, 419-372-6905
The dance program stresses the technical and theoretical nature of dance, focusing on intellectual and creative endeavors and technical mastery. The dance major is a four-year program leading to a B.S. in Education degree. It provides a thorough investigation of the art of dance via emphasis on experiential and theoretical work in studio, lecture, and studio/lecture courses. Interdisciplinary experiences in kinesiology, theatre, music, and electives also help prepare students for careers or further study in performance, choreography, dance education, and related fields such as dance history, criticism, and movement therapy.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in dance are expected to meet the National Content Standards (1994) of the National Dance Association:
- Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance. (Technique Content Development)
- Understanding choreographic principles, processes, and structures. (Creative Process & Technology)
- Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaning. (Communication)
- Applying and demonstrating critical and creative thinking skills in dance. (Analysis & Assessment)
- Demonstrating and understanding dance in various cultures and historical periods. (Historical & Theoretical Content Development)
- Making connections between dance and healthful living. (Life-long Learning)
- Making connections between dance and other disciplines. (Collaboration, Diversity)
Dance major
Professional Dance Core (71 -71 hours) - Spring 2019 course requirements
Dance minor
Minor Dance Core (25 - 29 hours) - Spring 2019 course requirements
Updated: 04/01/2019 03:35PM