Education Abroad

Center for International Programs
216 University Hall, 419-372-2247

Study, intern, or volunteer abroad. With BGSU's Education Abroad Program students can earn college credit in the country of their choice. Education Abroad coordinates a wide variety of opportunities for students of any major to spend an academic year, semester, or a summer abroad in countries spanning the globe. Hear from survivors of the atomic bomb while learning Japanese in the city of Hiroshima; visit both historical and contemporary buildings while studying architecture in London; take advantage of the many world-famous works of art in Italy by studying art history in Florence. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for their academic studies and a broader understanding of the world.

Early planning for an international experience can help ensure that it becomes an integral part of the student's academic degree program. Students are encouraged to visit the resource center in the Center for International Programs, 216 University Hall, and set up an appointment with an advisor. Financial assistance is available for study abroad. An International Education Scholarship brochure is available in the resource center.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:33PM