Adolescence to Young Adult/Secondary Education

College of Education and Human Development

529 Education Building, 419-372-7320

The Adolescence to Young Adult (Secondary) Education major includes licensure specializations in the following areas: Integrated Mathematics, Integrated Social Studies, Integrated Language Arts, Integrated Science, Single Field Science (Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences-Chemistry, and Physical Sciences-Physics), and Dual Field Sciences (Physical Sciences-Chemistry and Physics, Earth Sciences and Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Physics, Life Sciences and Chemistry, Life Sciences and Physics, and Life Sciences and Earth Sciences).

Minimal qualifications for a student to be eligible for an Adolescence to Young Adult (ages 12-21) license valid for teaching the content specialization in grades seven through twelve in the State of Ohio include the successful completion of an appropriate program of study, the achievement of a 2.5 accumulative grade point average, and successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) content and pedagogy examinations. However, BGSU teacher education programs are highly competitive and require additional admission and graduation criteria. These requirements include, evidence or proficiency on a nationally normed achievement assessment (ACT, SAT, PRAXIS core), professional disposition reviews, an overall GPA of 3.0, a content GPA of 2.8, and passing scores for all required Ohio Assessments for Educators examinations in each content area required by the State of Ohio. Candidates in this program will also be required to obtain annual BCI/FBI checks in order to participate in required field experiences. To be recommended for a teaching license, BGSU requires majors in the Adolescence to Young Adult (AYA) program to possess an overall GPA of 3.0, a content specialization GPA of 2.8, and successful completion of the appropriate Content and Principles of Learning and Teaching OAE examinations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in the Adolescence to Young Adult (Secondary) Education teacher education program are expected to:

  • Demonstrate competence of subject matter in the content area of specialization;
  • Demonstrate competence in the theories and practices of sound pedagogy;
  • Apply theories of human development and learning to plan, implement and assess daily lessons and units of instruction;
  • Exhibit professional and ethical behavior when working with students, their parents, other educators, and community members.
Requirements for the Major
  • Complete all University General Education (BG Perspective) and college requirements.
  • Complete Professional Education coursework with a "C" or better in each course. These courses include: EDHD 2010; EDFI 3030, 4020, 4080; EDAS 4090; EDIS 2310; EDTL 2300, 3700, 4180, 4200, 4670, 4970; and one of the following sets —EDTL 2710, 4710, 4810; or EDTL 2741, 2742, 4740, 4840; or EDTL 2750, 4750, 4850; or EDTL 2760, 4760, 4860. ILA majors must also complete EDTL 3430.
  • Complete the requirements for one of the 13 specializations.

Students apply for admission into the Professional Year (methods and student teaching) one semester in advance, on the first Thursday of each semester for the following semester. Criteria for admission into methods include: "C" or better in EDHD 2010; WRIT 1120; COMM 1020; EDFI 3030; EDIS 2310; EDTL 2300 and 3700; and either EDTL 2710, 2741/2742, 2750, or 2760. Students must also have a 2.8 overall GPA and a 2.8 GPA in the major. Finally, students must successfully pass the OAE content exam(s) prior to being admitted into the Methods Block. 

Integrated Language Arts (62 - 62 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Integrated Mathematics (40 - 41 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Integrated Social Studies (61 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Dual Field Science (Earth Sciences and Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Physics, Life Sciences and Chemistry, Life Sciences and Physics, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences-Chemistry and Physics)(60 - 63 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Integrated Sciences (77 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Single Field Sciences (Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences-Chemistry, Physical Sciences-Physics) (53 - 58 hours) - Fall 2020 course requirements

Updated: 10/30/2020 01:40PM