TESOL and Applied Linguistics

Minor Only (18 hours)

The TESOL and Applied Linguistics minor offers students the opportunity to acquire a foundation for teaching non-native speakers of English or focus on applied linguistics related to their major fields of study. The minor requires 18 hours of coursework, including 12 hours of required courses and 6 hours of electives. No work can be counted both for the major and the minor. Minor courses may not be taken under the S/U grading option or at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Required Courses

  • LING 2900 Language Study OR LING 3800 Linguistics for English Teachers (3)
  • LING 4100 Methods of TESOL OR LING 4160 Sociolinguistics (3)
  • LING 4170 Applied Syntax (3)
  • LING 4180 Applied Phonology (3)

Electives (Choose two of the following from the pre-approved list of courses)*

  • CDIS 1230 Introduction to Communication Disorders (3)
  • CDIS 2240 Phonetics (3)
  • CDIS 2250 Speech and Language Acquisition and Development (3)
  • EDTL 2290 Introduction to the Teaching and Learning of World Languages (3)
  • EDTL 3021 Digital Technologies for Middle and High School Teachers (3)
  • EDTL 4430 Applied Literacy Assessment for Adolescent Readers (3)
  • GERM 3310 Workshop in Translation (1-3)
  • GERM 4310 Advanced German-English Translation (1-3)
  • GERM 4320 Advanced English-German Translation (1-3)
  • GERM 4180 Stylistics, Syntax, and Structure of German (2-4)
  • LING 4100 Methods of TESOL OR LING 4160 Sociolinguistics (3)**
  • LING 4190 Theories and Issues in TESOL (Recommended) (3)
  • PSYC 3600 Psychology of Language (3)
  • SPAN 4550 Applied Linguistics (3)

*Others as approved by Faculty Mentor
**LING 4100 and LING 4160 may not double count in Required Courses and Electives.  

Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM