Sexuality Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

228 Shatzel, 419-372-2796

Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that critically explores sexuality as a culturally and historically specific construct, a form of human expression, and a social identity that impacts our understandings of citizenship, politics, and humanity. Students learn how sex and sexuality function in their own lives and in diverse populations. Courses in the minor cover topics as diverse as sexual identity, relationships, representations of sexuality, sexual well being and behavior. The minor emphasizes a cross-cultural and intersectional understanding of sexuality with a particular emphasis on gender, race, class, age and disability. As an interdisciplinary minor, students also become familiar with the ways in which sex and sexuality are addressed in various disciplines and in social justice movements for sexual minorities.

The program consists of 21 credit hours. Students are required to take WS 2610. In addition, students must take an additional 18 credit hours of courses focusing on Sexuality Studies. The Sexuality Studies minor is housed in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program.

Required Courses (3 hours)

  • WS 2610: Introduction to LGBT Studies (3 credits)
  • Eighteen additional credit hours focusing on Sexuality Studies. Courses can be chosen from the list of approved Sexuality Studies courses below or with the approval of the CCS/WS advisor.

Approved Sexuality Studies courses:

  • WS 4550/ETHN 4550: Latina/o Gender and Sexuality (3)
  • WS 3610: Histories of Queer Activism (3)
  • WS 4450: Women's Sexualities (3)
  • WS 3510: Topics in Sexuality Studies (1-4) +
  • CCS 4890: Internship (1-4)
  • ENG 3110: Gay and Lesbian Literature and Criticism (3)
  • HDFS 2020: Contemporary Marriages and Families (3)
  • HDFS 4080: Family Diversity (3)
  • HDFS 4280: Sexuality in Human Development & Family Studies (3) or HP 3380: Concepts of Human Sexuality (3)
  • MEDT 3800: AIDS Education in the Schools (2)
  • PSYC 3070: Human Sexuality (3)
  • SOC 3610: The Family (3)

 + This course can be repeated if offered under different Sexuality Studies topics.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Courses that are used to satisfy requirements for a major cannot also be used to satisfy requirements for the Sexuality Studies minor.

Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM