College of Arts and Sciences
190 Overman Hall, 419-372-2886
This minor is designed to provide students not majoring in Geology with a broad overview of paleontology. It is intended to be used in conjunction with any major that would be complemented by an intensive examination of the history of life on Earth.
Minor only (20 hours)
- GEOL 1040 (4) or BIOL 2040 (4)
- GEOL 1050 (4)
- GEOL 2050 (3)
- GEOL 2150 (3)
- GEOL 4150 (3)
- GEOL 4190 or 4800* or 4990* (3)
* Course can be used for undergraduate minor when paleontology topic is the subject of the seminar.
Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM