College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Science: 217 Life Sciences, 419-372-2332
Psychology, 206 Psychology Building, 419-372-2301
The bachelor of science major in neuroscience is a prototypical interdisciplinary program consisting principally of biology and psychology courses. Courses that contribute to meeting the requirements of this major are all listed in biology and psychology departmental listings. In addition to structured coursework, majors are strongly urged to take independent research courses with neuroscience faculty (NEUR 4700, BIOL 4010, and/or PSYC 4900). The neuroscience major is especially suited for students interested in careers in medicine or research.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in neuroscience are expected to:
- Understand the scientific process and the design and implementation of experiments;
- Evaluate evidence and differentiate between scientific fact and unscientific arguments;
- Present scientific information in oral and written formats appropriate to scientific and nonscientific audiences;
- Understand the basic principles of neuroscience, behavior, and the integration of the two fields;
- Read and comprehend primary research literature of the biological sciences;
- Be prepared for post-baccalaureate studies in psychology, biology, neuroscience, or medical school, or for entering the private sector in areas related to their training.
Major, Bachelor of Science (32 hours) - minor required - Fall 2020 course requirements
Minor (20 hours)
One required course
- PSYC 3300 or BIOL 3300 (3)
* Any combination of the following courses (17)
- BIOL 4010**, 4180, 4200, 4280, 4400, 4710, 4900**
- NEUR 4500, 4700
- PSYC 3280, 3310, 3320, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3360, 3810, 4400**, 4900**
* Most of these courses have prerequisite(s) associated with them (consent of instructor is often sufficient). See course descriptions for necessary prerequisites. The number of additional credit hours a student might need could range from 0 to 22.
** Must have approval of neuroscience program to count toward minor.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Courses that are used to satisfy requirements for a major or another minor cannot also be used to satisfy the requirements of the Neuroscience minor. For example, a psychology major who is using PSYC 3330 to meet the requirements of the Psychology major cannot use the same course in meeting the requirements of the Neuroscience minor.
Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM