International Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
103 Shatzel Hall, 419-372-7814
The International Studies major provides an interdisciplinary approach to international and global connections. The major acquaints students with approaches from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The student's individual program may focus on a world region, a particular issue or discipline, or a future career goal such as government, business, or foreign service. All IS majors continue foreign language at least through the third-year college level. A study abroad experience of at least 3 hrs and at least 4 weeks duration is required.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in International Studies are expected to:
- Understand the connections between countries;
- Describe the impact of international events or arrangements at the regional, national, and local levels in at least one major area of the world;
- Articulate how historical processes, such as colonialism, post-colonialism, and globalization, have led to our current situation in general, and to specific conditions in at least one area of the world;
- Analyze and describe global issues both qualitatively and quantitatively, using approaches from both the humanities and the social sciences;
- Demonstrate a basic command of at least two appropriate disciplinary approaches, such as economics, sociology (demographics), political science, history, literature, popular culture, environmental studies, cultural studies, or regional studies;
- Apply interdisciplinary approaches, including foreign language skills and international experience, to research and present specific global issues.
Major, Bachelor of Arts (36 - 45 hours) - minor required - Fall 2020 course requirements
International Studies Minor
The minor in International Studies requires 21 - 24 credits as follows:
- INST 2000 (3)
- INST 2100/COMM 2100 (3)
- INST 3000 (3)
- Study abroad, including 3 credit hours of foreign language study OR 6 credit hours of a foreign language at the 3000 level (3-6)
- 2 courses with a regional or country focus (6 credit hours): AFRS 2000, ASIA 1800, CAST 2010, CHIN 2160, ETHN 3100, GERM 2160, RUSN 2160, SPAN 2700
- 1 elective at 3000 level or higher (3 credit hours): BA 3900; ETHN 4250; GEOG 3250; HIST 4110, 4140, 4020, 4030; JOUR 4750; POLS 3350, 4750, 4760; SPAN 3770, 3780, 4010
Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM