Individualized Planned Program

College of Arts and Sciences

205 Administration Building, 419-372-2015

See Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Science degree, or see a college advisor. Also see course requirements listings below.

Fall 2020 B.A. course requirements

Fall 2020 B.S. course requirements

Minor (21 hours)
If educational objectives cannot be met by one of the departmental minors, a student may create a planned minor in consultation with a College of Arts and Sciences advisor.

A student who has earned at least 30 hours of credit may petition to the Associate Dean of Student Services by presenting a statement of rationale as well as a detailed list of courses to be taken. Once approved, the minor must be completed as planned unless changes are approved by the College Office.

Individualized planned minors are only available under the College of Arts and Sciences' Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and Bachelor of Science degree programs.

Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM