Enviromental Policy and Analysis

College of Arts and Sciences

201 Memorial Hall, 419-372-8207

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Environmental Policy and Analysis are expected to:

  • Understand basic characteristics of ecosystems and environmental problems and identify, investigate, and propose solutions to environmental issues as informed by an interdisciplinary background in the social sciences and humanities;
  • Critically evaluate policies and practices that address environmental problems and ascertain the interrelationships and interactions among environmental problems, their locations, their cultural and social contexts, and their solutions;
  • Engage in rational, civil discourse about complex environmental issues in a manner that considers all viewpoints;
  • Participate in practical, experience-based learning through internships, field experiences, workshops, and independent research projects;
  • Communicate effectively in written and oral forms;
  • Gain facility with technologies and tools used in environmental analysis, such as geographic information systems, global positioning systems, statistical analysis, and remotely sensed images.

Major, Bachelor of Arts (55 - 63 hours) - no minor required - Fall 2020 course requirements

This major emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of environmental issues and the role of the social sciences in addressing and solving environmental problems. Students receive a basic understanding of the social sciences and humanities, particularly political science, history, and philosophy. Additional courses in the natural sciences and mathematics are included to help the student obtain a holistic view and understanding of the overall context in which environmental issues are placed. Each student also takes courses in a specialization designed to prepare for a career field. A three-hour internship or independent study (ENVS 4890 or 4700) is also required. Close consultation with advisors in the Department of Environment and Sustainability is essential.

The areas of specialization include: Sustainable Management, Restoration, Education and Interpretation, Environmental Law, and International Perspectives.

Minor (27 - 30 hours)

  • One course each from BIOL and GEOG or GEOL (6-8)
  • ENVS 1010 (3)
  • Select two from: ENVS 3010, 4000, 4010, 4020, 4120, 4930, 4950 (4-6)
  • Select two from: ENVS 3030, 4200; POLS 3310, 3360, 3450; LEGS 4310 (6)
  • Select one from: ENVS 4260; PHIL 2320; SOC 3120; GEOG 3210, 3250, 3310 (3)
  • Select one from: ACS 3380, ENVS 4120; HIST 3380 (3)

Other programs
A B.S. in Environmental Science is offered that emphasizes interdisciplinary study of the environment through the natural sciences.

A minor in Sustainability is offered that emphasizes the interaction among environmental quality, economic prosperity and social equity.

Students should contact the Department of the Environment and Sustainability, 419-372-8207, for help in selecting the program that most closely meets their career objectives.

Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM