Africana Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
103 Shatzel Hall, 419-372-7814
Africana Studies is a major and minor in the College of Arts and Sciences designed for students to pursue an interdisciplinary approach to study by taking courses in a variety of disciplines. It provides studies of the historical, cultural, literary, and artistic aspects of people of African descent worldwide. The arts and humanities focus of this major and minor will help prepare students to effectively negotiate in a world that increasingly requires the crossing of racial, cultural, and disciplinary boundaries in knowledge and vocational pursuits. Various career and graduate studies opportunities are available for students completing this major and minor; these include social sciences, humanities, law, education, ethnic and women's studies, government, policy studies, international relations, diplomatic service, non-profit organizations, and public agencies. Students who plan for a dual degree expand their career and graduate studies opportunities.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Africana Studies are expected to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural nature of Africana Studies;
- Show significant improvement in their organizational and critical analysis skills through research and writings;
- Exhibit familiarity with the creativity and diversity that exist among Africana peoples worldwide;
- Demonstrate ability to utilize interdisciplinary approaches used in, and the range of literatures derived from, scholarly research in the field of Africana Studies;
- Ability to critically analyze social and cultural issues pertinent to Africana peoples from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives;
- Able to understand and apply concepts of African continuity, unity, transformation and Diasporic identity when analyzing cultures of Africa and the African Diaspora.
Major, Bachelor of Arts - Fall 2020 course requirements
The major requires 30 semester hours, 9 of which can be drawn from Africana Studies core courses and a minimum of 21 from the interdisciplinary offerings.
Minor only (21 hours)
Required courses:
- AFRS 2000, 4000
15 hours of Africana Interdisciplinary courses:
- ACS 3000;
- ARTH 4610, 4620, 4630, 4950*;
- ETHN 1200, 2200, 3000, 3200, 3400, 4300, 4800*;
- GEOG 3470;
- HIST 3140, 3150, 3170, 4000*, 4020, 4030, 4040, 4130, 4320;
- HDFS 1070;
- KNS 3950*;
- MUCT 2360*, 2370, 4210E, 4310;
- POLS 4000*;
- POPC 1700, 3800*;
- ROCS 2200;
- THFM 3500;
- WS 3000*
9 of these hours must be in courses at the 3000 level or higher and selected from at least three departments.
* Only when offered on Africana Studies topics.
Course offerings periodically change. Consult the director of Africana Studies for current information.
- Language: majors and minors may elect to take 6 of non-English, European languages spoken by people of African descent, including French, Spanish, Portuguese.
- Study Abroad: majors and minors are encouraged to take 3-6 hours of study abroad courses by participating in one of three seminars:
- Ghana (College of Music and School of Art);
- Burkina Faso (Romance and Classical Studies); and
- Republic of Benin (History Department)
Updated: 10/30/2020 01:39PM