
College of Arts and Sciences

203 Shatzel Hall, 419-372-2667

The Latin major offers preparation for prospective teachers of Latin in private schools (for those wishing to teach Latin in the public schools, a major in Latin is offered through the College of Education and Human Development) or for further study in areas such as classical studies, ancient history, classical archeology, comparative literature, law, medicine, the Middle Ages, or the Renaissance.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Latin are expected to:

  • Read, comprehend, and comment insightfully and critically on texts in Latin;
  • Demonstrate translating skills by parsing words accurately, using knowledge of Latin and English grammar and syntax;
  • Express knowledge of the genre of the works being translated;
  • Apply critical analysis and interpretive skills to Latin literature and the society that produced it;
  • Engage in rational, civil discourse about complex topics in a manner respectful of others.

Major, Bachelor of Arts (21 hours beyond LAT 2020) - minor required - Fall 2019 course requirements

Minor (12 hours beyond LAT 2020)

  • No more than three hours from any CLCV course

Updated: 10/18/2019 03:35PM