Combined Curricula
College of Arts and Sciences
205 Administration Building, 419-372-2015
Double Majors
The student who wishes to earn a double major within the College of Arts and Sciences must complete the requirements for both majors before graduation. A particular major may not be available to a student as a second major in those cases where the courses in the first major overlap with courses in the second major by more than 6 hours. Substitutions to course requirements for a major are the jurisdiction of the program offering the major.
Dual degrees
The student who wishes to earn a second degree within the College of Arts and Sciences may do so by completing work after graduation or finishing the dual-degree program prior to graduation. The following additional requirements must be completed:
- Secure permission from the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences;
- Complete the requirements for a major and minor in each degree independently. The courses counted toward a major and minor (or concentration) for the first degree cannot apply toward the major or minor of the second degree;
- Complete at least 32 hours minimum of credit beyond the hours required for a single degree major.
- When a student is pursuing a Liberal Studies degree and desires to complete another Arts & Sciences degree, no more than 18 hours from Liberal Studies can be counted in the second major requirements.
Combined baccalaureate-master's program in chemistry
138 Overman Hall, 419-372-2031
205 Administration Building, 419-372-2015
The combined baccalaureate-master's program in chemistry offers students the opportunity to complete the bachelor of science degree in three years and the master of science degree at the end of the fourth. By completing the two degrees in four years, the student may be better prepared to earn the Ph.D. degree because of the stronger background. In addition, a preprofessional student may elect either to complete the three-year bachelor of science program and go directly to professional school or to continue on to earn the master of science degree in preparation for a research-oriented career.
The program is structured on a schedule of four years, including summers. Courses should be carefully chosen so that major and group requirements will be completed on time.
Updated: 10/18/2019 03:35PM