Classical Civilization
College of Arts and Sciences
203 Shatzel Hall, 419-372-2667
Classical civilization is an interdisciplinary major designed to acquaint students with classical antiquity and the cultural foundations of the Western world. It does not require intensive language training of the Latin major or minor. This major or minor is designed to help prepare students for careers in areas as diverse as archeology, business, government service, law, ministry, museum curatorship, public relations, writing, and others.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in classical civilization are expected to:
- Critically read, imagine, and interpret Roman literature in English translation;
- Demonstrate competence in at least two aspects of classical antiquity, such as history, philosophy, art, or literature;
- Apply the question—how do we know what we know?—when imagining ancient texts and cultures and in evaluating issues of current concern;
- Demonstrate ability to critique secondary literature on the ancient world;
- Use resources available for study of the ancient world in articulating the influence and relevance that antiquity has for us today;
- Communicate logically and effectively, both orally and in writing.
Major, Bachelor of Arts (30 hours) - minor required - Fall 2019 course requirements
Minor (21 hours)
Choose any of the courses listed for the Classical Civilization major.
Updated: 10/18/2019 03:35PM