Bachelor of Science Degree
College of Arts and Sciences
A bachelor of science degree is only available in biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, geology, mathematics, microbiology, neuroscience, physics, psychology, or statistics. Students also completes a minor area of specialization as outlined below.
Each student must complete the degree requirements listed below. We recommend that every student focus on introductory courses in the major, University Writing Program, and BG Perspective Quantitative Literacy in the first semester. When possible, students should select first-year major courses that also fulfill BG Perspective requirements. Students will generally complete the Arts and Sciences Quantitative Literacy requirement (Calculus) by the fall term of the second year. When possible, students should make initial progress toward completing the Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Component or Foreign Language requirement during the second year as well. It is expected that BS degree students make substantial progress on the Arts and Sciences requirements during the third year.
(University degree requirements and the BG Perspective curriculum are explained elsewhere in the catalog.)
Foreign Language. Each student is required to demonstrate proficiency in a language area by one of the options listed below:
- Graduating from a high school where all instruction was conducted in a language other than English;
- Demonstrating proficiency in the language on the 2020 course level;
- Having completed four years of one language in high school (student must have completed the fourth full year, for example, Spanish IV, and received credit for these courses);
- Having completed one of the departmental options listed below (12-14 hours minimum in the same language area, or fewer by advanced placement and high school experience).
- GERM 1010, 1020, plus six additional hours from: GERM 1170, 1180, 2010, 2020, 2170, 2180, 2310, 3310 and/or GERM 2000, 2150, 2160, 2600, 3600, and 4150;
- CHIN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- JAPN 1010, 1020, plus six additional hours from: JAPN 2010, 2020, 2150, and/or 2160, 3120, and 4150;
- RUSN 1010, 1020, plus six additional hours from RUSN; 2010, 2020, and/or 2150, 2160, 3120, 3130, 3160, and 4150;
- ARAB 1010, 1020, 2010, and 2020.
- FREN 1010, 1020, 2010, and either 2020 or 2120;
- GRK 1010, 1020, plus six additional hours from: GRK 2010, 2020, and/or CLCV 2410, 2420;
- ITAL 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- LAT 1010, 1020, plus six additional hours from: LAT 2010, 2020, and/or CLCV 2410, 2420;
- SPAN 1010, 1020, 2010, and either 2020, 2030 or 2120.
- EDIS 3240, 3250, 3260, 3270
Lab Science. One course. If approved for BGP, this course may also count in the appropriate BGP domain. It may fulfill a major requirement as well.
Arts and Sciences Quantitative Literacy Component. The Arts and Sciences QL component enables students to establish the critical quantitative competence expected of science students and professionals. Option 1: MATH 1310 (5 hrs). Option 2: MATH 1340 & 1350 (6 hrs). The QL component may be used to fulfill a major and/or BG Perspective requirement as well.
Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Component. The Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Component is grounded in the conviction that acquiring proficiency in multiple modes of thought and communication, referred to as habits of mind, is the defining characteristic of a liberal arts education. This four-course component will enhance students' ability to see things from multiple perspectives, solve problems both analytically and creatively, and communicate effectively both within and across cultural boundaries.
As a college anchored in the tradition of liberal arts and sciences, we believe that acquiring multiple habits of mind is valuable both in its own right and as a way to promote lifelong learning. As the largest college in a comprehensive regional institution serving the state and nation, we also believe that the intellectual and personal growth that students achieve in a 21st-century arts and sciences degree program is crucial to success in the global age, regardless of one's professional path.
Specifically, courses in the liberal arts and sciences emphasize
- Critical contemplation of theoretically-grounded ideas and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.
- Learning via inquiry, in which students test their assumptions by exploring bases of knowledge, recent research findings, or bodies of creative expression.
- Advancement of general intellectual capacities, such as verbal, quantitative, and visual literacy, interpretive judgement, and critical self-reflection.
- Development of broadly applicable competencies, such as precise analysis, evidence-based argumentation, creative problem-solving, and effective communication.
- Engagement with experiences and perspectives that differ from one's own.
Students are strongly encouraged to work with their college advisers and faculty mentors to maximize the potential of the Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Component. The four courses selected for this component may be closely related to the major, sample the diverse domains of the arts and humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, or be interdisciplinary in nature.
- Each course must have a different prefix,
- At least two courses must be at 3000- or 4000-level, and
- Courses applied to the Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Component may not be used to fulfill other Arts and Sciences degree requirements, nor may they be used to fulfill major, minor, BGP or other program requirements.
A list of eligible courses is printed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook and tracked by the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS).
Updated: 10/18/2019 03:35PM