Quality Systems
College of Technology, Architecture, and Applied Engineering
Department of Engineering Technology
264 Technology Building, 419-372-2439
The Quality Systems (QS) major emphasizes quality principles designed to provide professional preparation for emerging leaders in change and improvement while integrating science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) in non-traditional ways. The QS major, originating in manufacturing, has emerged as an interdisciplinary area of study now being applied in health care, services, construction, government, education, and retail organizations, among others.
American Society for Quality (ASQ) rubrics and certification requirements form the foundation for courses in the QS major. This includes six sigma and lean improvement systems within QS/International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 documentation standards. The quality discipline is widely known to be applicable as a way to improve individually, in teams, and across organizations; it is a systematic way of thinking that is critical to solving complex technical problems.
Delivery systems in QS courses use applied research and problem solving for project management and completion of work in teams. Online delivery systems in QS courses parallel shifts to electronic management methods used for achieving global enterprise competitiveness. Quality engineer, quality manager, ISO technical coordinator, process improvement, quality transformation team leader, change manager, and lean sigma champion are typical QS major career titles.
Also known as "2+2 degree completion," the QS major is based on a completed associate degree in STEM-related professional areas for students desiring a BS in Technology degree. Students may complete some hours at locations other than BGSU, based on advisement, and remaining requirements online through BGSU.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:05PM