Musicianship Core
College of Musical Arts
- Music theory — MUCT 1510, 1520, 2510, 2520 (8)
- Aural skills — MUCT 1410, 1420, 2410, 2420 (8)
- Music literature — MUCT 2610, 2620, 3610 (7)
- Jazz pedagogy — MUSP 2190 (2) or Jazz MUCT 2370* (3)
- World music — MUCT 2330, 2340 or 2350* (2)
- Total — 22-27 hours
*Note: MUCT 2330, 2340, and 2350 are applicable to the BG Perspective humanities and arts domain requirement as well as satisfying the international perspective requirement for BG Perspective. MUCT 2370 is applicable to the BG Perspective Cultural Diversity in the United States domain requirement.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:05PM