Music Composition
College of Musical Arts
1031 Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-2181
Admission as a Composition Major
A student is accepted for the bachelor of music degree program with a major in music composition by audition before the appropriate area faculty. This audition may be held at the time of the initial College of Musical Arts instrumental/vocal audition or during the course of degree study. It is also possible to add composition to an existing major for a double major. It is highly recommended that the acceptance audition take place before or during the freshman or sophomore year.
Composition applicants are required to submit a representative portfolio of original scores with recordings if available (compact disc or cassette tape), must achieve a passing score in their main performance medium, and must receive a high score on the music theory placement exam. Upon acceptance, the student, in counsel with an advisor, develops a course of study based on degree requirements and the student's needs and interests. If deficiencies are noted, a student may be admitted on probationary status (pre-composition). Students accepted on this status must resubmit a composition portfolio and must achieve a 3.0 grade point average in major area courses within four semesters, except summer. Failure to do so will result in discontinuation as a composition major.
MUCT Small Ensembles
The department offers small ensembles as a training ground for performance practice and a showcase for music of a particular genre, including the Afro-Caribbean Ensemble, Balinese Gamelan Ensemble, Early Music Ensemble, and New Music Ensemble. Participation in a variety of MUCT small ensembles by music composition majors is strongly encouraged.
Jury Examinations
Composition jury examinations occur each semester during final examination week. Students submit a portfolio of work from the semester, and the composition faculty review it. All composition majors are required to take jury examinations each term in which they are registered for MUCT 2160 or 4160. The final grade in composition is determined by combining the grade from the individual instructor with the grade given at the jury. A final grade lower than "B" earned in fall or spring will result in probationary status in composition for the following semester, except summer. A letter will be sent to the student indicating the reason for probationary status, its duration, and the steps necessary for its removal. If the student eliminates the deficiencies within the probationary period, regular status will be reinstated. If the conditions for removal are not met, the student will be discontinued as a composition major. Upon removal of deficiencies, a student may apply for reinstatement.
Composition (127 - 140 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements
The bachelor of music degree with a major in music composition requires 127-140 total hours. All composition degree candidates are subject to the general requirements listed under Academic Policies in this catalog, as well as general requirements listed under the Bachelor of Music degree, none of which are superseded by individual degree requirements.
Completion requirement
Candidates for the bachelor's degree in music composition are required to present a half-recital of original compositions (or equivalent, such as music for a stage play or film of substantial length). Composition majors planning to give a degree recital must be registered for MUCT 4160 during the semester in which the recital is given or must give the recital within four weeks of the beginning of the semester immediately following the last semester of MUCT 4160. Recital programs must be approved in advance by the composition faculty before a recital date can be obtained.
For specific information, consult the chair of the musicology/composition/theory department.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:05PM