Jazz Studies

College of Musical Arts

1031 Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-2181

The bachelor of music with a major in jazz studies degree program is one in which motivated students of creative American music are encouraged to interact with one another and with faculty in a challenging, performance-oriented educational environment. Highlights of the program include: strong growth support through a dedicated community of developing musicians; mentoring of the jazz art by experienced full-time faculty; continual review of individual musical development through interactive seminars, meetings, and advising; an active schedule of student and faculty performances, and guest clinics and performances by well-known jazz performers. A jazz minor is also available.

Admittance as a jazz studies major

In addition to the audition in the student's principal performance medium for acceptance into the College of Musical Arts, students wishing to pursue studies in jazz and jazz-related music-industry activities must demonstrate their understanding and facility in the jazz idiom. This will normally be accomplished by a separate audition with the jazz faculty. Acceptance as a jazz major or minor is contingent upon the approval of the jazz faculty.

Jazz performance ensembles

Jazz studies majors must perform in either the jazz lab bands or jazz combos (or both) as part of the requirements for this degree program. Refer to the specific performance requirements listed below. Performance opportunities in the jazz lab bands and combos are open to all BGSU students through audition. Any University student is encouraged to audition for these ensembles before the jazz faculty at the start of the academic year.

Jury examinations

Jazz studies majors must complete jury examinations in their major applied medium as described in the course description section of this catalog under applied instruction. In addition, jazz studies majors must perform a jazz jury examination with the coordinator of jazz studies at the end of each semester.

Keyboard proficiency requirement

Functional keyboard proficiency test level I is required. See Music education: Functional keyboard requirements and pertinent course descriptions.

Recital requirement

Candidates for the bachelor's degree with a major in jazz studies are required to present a full recital. This is usually given in the senior year. Permission to perform a recital is given by the coordinator of jazz studies and the appropriate performance studies faculty. The recital requirement for jazz studies majors shall include an equal amount of western art music and jazz.

Jazz Studies (126 - 128 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements

The bachelor of music degree in jazz studies requires 126-128 total credits

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:05PM