Public Health Minor

College of Health and Human Services

102 Health Center, 419-372-8242

If you are planning a career in medicine or the allied health professions, a minor in public health will extend your knowledge and make you more marketable. The minor provides a coherent and focused program of study for students who are interested in learning more about public health and who may wish to enter either graduate studies or employment in the public health field.

Required Courses

The Public Health minor consists of six courses totaling 18 credit hours. Students choose six from the ten courses below:

  • PUBH 2100
  • PUBH 3010
  • PUBH 3100
  • PUBH 3200
  • PUBH 3300
  • PUBH 3400
  • PUBH 4030
  • MEDT 4500
  • ENVH 4490 or BIOL 4490
  • GEOG 4240 or ENVS 4030
  • ENVH 4070

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:05PM