Management Minor
College of Business
Department of Management
3018 Business Administration Building, 419-372-2946
The Management minor is designed for non-business students interested in understanding how to effectively manage and lead people in organizations. It is available to all students except those completing a BSBA degree.
Minor (18 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements
- One of the following (credit allowed for only one): MGMT 3050 or MGMT 3600
- MGMT 3610
- MGMT 4540
- MGMT 4650
- MGMT 4700
- Elective options. Choose one from the following list: ACCT 2000; AHS 3250; BA 2030; BA 3900; BA 4400 (prerequisite BA 3900); ECON 2000; FIN 2000; LEGS 3010; LEGS 4250; LEGS 4290; MGMT 3000; MGMT 3300 (prior or concurrent registration in MGMT 3000); PSYC 3500
All courses in the minor must be taken for a letter grade.
Substitute courses must be approved by the department.
Students must earn a C or higher in all courses taken for the minor.
All students must complete at least 15 credit hours toward the minor that are not counted in the student's major or in another minor. If more than one of the required courses above count toward your major or another minor, you may take additional elective courses to satisfy the requirement of 15 unique credit hours.
The total number of hours earned in the College of Business by non-business students may not exceed 25 percent or 30 hours of the 122 minimum needed for graduation, counting the major and minor (six hours of STAT and nine hours of ECON are exempt from this limitation.)
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM