International Business

College of Business  

BSBA areas of specialization

Department of Management
3018 Business Administration Building, 419-372-6963

The International Business Specialization is designed for students who are interested in international business and are completing a BSBA.

International Business Specialization (18 Credit Hours Required): Fall 2018 program requirements

    BA 3900    Business in the Global Arena (3)

    BA 4400    Global Management (3)

Choose 2 courses from the following list: (6)

BA 4920 (limited to 6 hours); BA 4390; ECON 3510 (can't also count toward the BSBA core), 4060; MGMT 3300, 4420; MKT 3020, 4550 or Business courses offered by an approved international partner university or approved by the department of management

Choose 1 course from the following list: (3)

AFRS 3000; CAST 2010; CHIN 2160, 3120, 4150; ETHN 3100, 3170, 4030; FREN 2220, 3660, 3820; GEOG 2250, 2300, 3400, 3420, 3490; GERM 3160, 4160, 4210; HIST 3100, 3110, 3770, 3820, 3840, 4550; INST 2000; ITAL 3710, 3720; JAPN 2150, 3120, 4150; POLS 3510, 3550, 3610; RUSN 2160; SOC 2310; SPAN 2700, 3770, 3780; one foreign language course at 3000-level or above or Cultural courses offered by an approved international partner university or approved by the department of management.

Choose 1 foreign language proficiency at the 2000 level. (3)

All courses in the specialization must be taken for a letter grade.

Substitute courses must be approved by the department.

Students must earn a C or higher in all courses taken for the specialization (except foreign language proficiency).

All students must complete at least 18 hours toward the specialization. The courses taken can be used to meet the requirement of another specialization or major.

Students are encouraged to take a 2nd specialization in the BSBA or pursue a foreign language minor.

Students are responsible for meeting all requirements for the BSBA including specialization requirements.

*The foreign language requirement will be waived if a student completed at least three years of the same foreign language in high school (must be reflected on official high school transcript).

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM