
College of Arts and Sciences

203 Shatzel Hall, 419-372-2667

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Spanish are expected to:

  • Write, listen, and converse proficiently about Spanish and Latin-American literary works, movements, and genres and about the civilizations of Spain, Latin-American, and the Spanish-speaking world;
  • Master reading comprehension, terminology, and basic research tools appropriate to literary and cultural analysis;
  • Demonstrate language proficiency through standardized examinations;
  • Engage in rational, civil discourse in a manner respectful of others and the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.

Major, Bachelor of Arts (33 hours) - minor required
A student, in consultation with the undergraduate advisor, may choose to focus on a specialized area of Spanish.

Spanish - Fall 2018 course requirements

Latin American Culture Studies specialization - Fall 2018 course requirements

An interdisciplinary planned curriculum of studies on Latin America.

Students choosing the Latin American culture studies specialization must fulfill the Spanish language requirement by completing Spanish at the 3510 level or demonstrating competency in the Spanish language — e.g., by completing intensive Spanish language and culture courses through the abroad program in Mexico.

Minor (21 hours)

  • SPAN 3510, 3520 (6)
  • SPAN 3660 (3)
  • SPAN 3760 (3)
  • Electives with one course at 4000 level (9)
  • Courses required for the minor may not be taken S/U.

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM