College of Arts and Sciences
305 Hanna Hall, 419-372-2925
The program is designed around the department's focus on the spatial analysis of regional change and development. In this context, the concept of a "region" is defined as a spatial unit that may include both urban and rural areas. Within the department's focus, the primary emphasis is on applied human geographic dimensions of resources, land use, population, and socio-economic analysis. Spatial analysis techniques of computer mapping, GIS, and remote sensing are also emphasized and integrated. All geography majors are advised to take a course in statistics.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in geography are expected to:
- Know and apply geographic concepts in identifying, analyzing, and explaining spatial/global issues and processes;
- Identify and analyze the past and present processes that contribute to the world's constantly changing cultural and physical environments;
- Ascertain the interrelationships and interactions between and among regions;
- Collect, integrate, analyze, display, and communicate spatial information and data sources by using mapping skills, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and other tools and techniques such as air photo interpretation, remote sensing, statistics, and computers;
- Apply spatial dimensions in analyzing issues and determining how human perceptions and actions contribute to distinct global identities and regional variations.
Major, Bachelor of Arts (33 hours) - minor required - Fall 2018 course requirements
Minor (21 hours)
Courses recommended include GEOG 1250 or 2130, 2250 or 2300, 3210, plus 12 hours. A journalism or telecommunications major can minor in broadcast meteorology. This consists of GEOG 1250, 2130, 3030, 4000, 4040, 1220 or 3420, and 4550, 4570, or 4900.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM