Film Production
College of Arts and Sciences
Film Production - Department of Theatre and Film
212 Wolfe Center, 419-372-2222
The Film Production Major gives students a foundation in film history, aesthetics, and production. Students in the Film Production Major gain experience in all aspects of film/media production by working on individual projects and faculty-supervised, department-sponsored productions. Film Production Majors are prepared for careers as writers, producers, directors, cinematographers, editors, and other film professionals. BGSU graduates have started their own production companies. They have also been accepted into prestigious MFA programs and competitive professional programs.
To be admitted to the Film Production Major, incoming first year students must have either a high school GPA of 3.25, a composite ACT score of 22, OR a composite SAT score of 1100. First year students who apply to the Film Production Major but do not meet these qualifications will be accepted into the Film Studies Major if they are admitted to BGSU. Transfer students and BGSU students (including Film Studies Majors) who would like to become Film Production Majors must have a GPA of 3.00 after 30 or more hours of college credit to be accepted.
Film Production Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in Film Production are expected to:
- Comprehend, analyze, critically evaluate film as an aesthetic form and cultural text;
- Recognize the social, economic, and technological factors that shape films from different historical periods, gender and ethnic perspectives, domestic and international cultural contexts;
- Apply critical thinking and aesthetic judgment in the analysis of fiction and nonfiction film, experimental and mainstream cinema, feature and short form narratives;
- Work collaboratively to solve specific film/video production problems as a writer, producer, director, cinematographer, gaffer, editor, sound mixer, or other member of the production team;
- Demonstrate a sense of professionalism through creative and intellectual independence.
Film Production Major, Bachelor of Arts (39 hours) - minor required - Fall 2018 course requirements
Film Production Majors meet with Faculty Mentors in the Department of Theatre and Film to:
- select electives;
- choose a minor that best contributes to their program of study;
- determine protocols for internship or studio experience;
- develop the skills, network, and portfolio to be a successful scholarship candidate
Film Minor - Department of Theatre and Film
212 Wolfe Center, 419-372-2222
The Film Minor gives students a background in film history, aesthetics, and cinema as a window into society. The Film Minor is useful for students with an interest in art, media, and culture.
Film Minor (21 hours) - Fall 2018 course requirements
Distance Learning
Selected film courses are offered in a Distant Learning format. These courses can be used to satisfy requirements in the Film Minor, the Film Production Major, and the Film Studies Major. Some courses satisfy requirements in the Bachelor of Liberal Studies Degree or group requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences.
The Department of Theatre and Film offers grant-in-aid scholarships in acting, technical theatre, and film/video/multimedia production to qualified undergraduates. The grant-in-aid scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, with students completing interviews after submitting applications and letters of recommendation. Students interested in obtaining a grant-in-aid application packet should contact the department office 419-372-2222.
The collaborative student organizations UFO (University Film Organization) and BG Reel are a remarkable resource for anyone interested in making films or participating in film culture. The groups sponsor several 48 Hour Film competitions throughout the year. They also host the BGSU Film and Media Festival held at the end of every spring semester. The Film and Media Festival features workshops with film professionals and screenings of student films from BGSU and the region.
Study abroad program
Film Production, Film Studies, and Theatre Majors may apply to participate in the BGSU and University of Wales student exchange program. If accepted into the program, students spend a semester studying film and/or theatre in the respected Department of Theatre, Film, and Television at the University of Wales in scenic Aberystwyth.
The Projector: An Electronic Journal on Film, Media and Culture
The Department of Theatre and Film at BGSU also provides the online home for The Projector, a peer-reviewed journal with an international editorial board. The journal publishes research by emerging and established scholars. Some issues include forums of invited work by undergraduates (papers or screenplays presented at BGSU Film and Media Festivals).
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM