Retaking a Course

Students must report each retake registration to The Office of Registration and Records.

A student may retake a course in which a grade of "D," "F," "I," "U," or "WF" was received. If a student retakes such a course at the University, it must be retaken under the same grading option as selected initially. If the course is retaken for the purposes of auditing, no grade will be given.

If a student retakes a course at the University in which a grade of "D," "F," "I," "U," or "WF" was received, then the credit hours and quality points for the original registration and all subsequent retake registrations will be used in computing the student's cumulative grade point average, with the following exceptions:

  • For the first two such courses retaken at the University (they must be two different courses), the credit hours and quality points for the original registration will not be used in computing the student's accumulative grade point average. For these two courses, the credit hours and quality points for each retake registration will be used in computing the student's cumulative grade point average.
  • If a student retakes a course at the University in which a grade of "U" was received, it will have no effect on the cumulative grade point average.
  • Except for the purpose of auditing, a student may not retake a course in which a grade of "C" or better (including "S") was received.
  • No grade is removed or erased from a transcript by retaking a course.
  • If the student retakes a course in which a grade of "D" was received, no additional credit hours are thereby earned.
  • Any punitive grade awarded as a result of an Academic Honesty case may not have the retake policy applied to it. In cases where the punitive grade is "D,""F," or "WF," students may retake these courses to meet degree requirements, but both grades will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. In cases where the punitive grade is "U," students may retake these courses and it will have no effect on the cumulative grade point average.

If a student receives a grade of "F," "I," "U," or "WF" in a course and then receives credit for that course by successful completion of a similar course at another institution, the credit hours and quality points for the first registration will continue to be used in computing the student's grade point average.

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM