Foreign Language Admission Requirement
Admission to Bowling Green State University includes a requirement for a language other than English. This requirement applies only to students seeking a baccalaureate degree. The requirement is typically satisfied through completion of two units of the same language other than English in high school.
If this requirement is not fulfilled at the time of admission to the University, it may be satisfied in one of three ways:
- Students who have not completed study of a language other than English in high school, may successfully complete two semesters of the same language (other than English) at the university level.
- Students who have acquired a language other than English through life experience or who have learned it through prior study may take credit by examination.
- International students whose native language is not English may be exempted by proficiency or by successful completion of ESOL 1000, ESOL 1010, ESOL 1030, and ESOL 1040. A student’s score on the English proficiency test determines the required courses in this sequence. For more information, see the International Students Admission Policy, which is available here.
The following conditions and stipulations also apply:
- Students who have a documented (through Accessibilities Services) learning disability in acquisition of a new language may substitute courses taught in English, from BGSU’s existing list of acceptable substitute courses.
- American Sign Language will fulfill this admission requirement.
- Computer programming languages will not fulfill this admission requirement.
- The Foreign Language Admission Requirement will apply to transfer students who have completed fewer than 30 semester hours of credit-bearing post-secondary courses, but will not apply to those students who have completed 30 or more semester hours of credit-bearing post-secondary courses at BGSU Firelands or at another college or university (as per the Transfer Students policy).
The Foreign Language Admission Requirement is to apply for students admitted for fall semester 2007 and thereafter.
Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM