Changing Colleges, Majors, or Degree Programs within BGSU *

Sometimes a change of major or degree program may also involve a change of college. Students may have entered BGSU as undecided, have not been able to complete their current major or degree as planned, or have different career goals than when they first entered BGSU. In addition to consulting with their advisors, students are strongly encouraged to contact the Career Center (419-372-2356) for assistance in career planning and to identify careers that align with their interests, values, and skills.

A student who wishes to change a major or degree program within a college should notify the College office. At that time, an appropriate advisor will be assigned.

A student who wishes to change from a major in one college to a major in another college should consult a College Advisor in the intended college about eligibility and requirements for the intended college and degree program (see Associate Degree Programs or Baccalaureate Degree Programs). Academic advisors are available in the intended college office to (a) help students select the degree program that best meets individual needs and interests, and (b) review the requirements of the intended major or degree program to assure that a student’s plan of study will meet the entry and program requirements.

Following the student’s consultation with a college advisor, a determination is made by the intended college office to approve or not to approve the transfer. The intended college dean’s (or designee’s) signature on the College Transfer Form is the record of approval to transfer. If transfer to the intended college is not approved, a College Transfer Form will not be issued or signed. In either case, the student will be notified of the college’s decision. A copy of the signed form indicating approval to transfer is given to the student and a copy is sent to the student’s current college. Once a student’s current college receives a signed College Transfer Form, that college will transmit the student’s file to the new college.

Updated: 10/12/2018 02:04PM