Pre-Physical Therapy
College of Health and Human Services
102 Health Center, 419-372-8242
Admission to graduate programs in physical therapy is selective and based upon scholarly achievement and Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores. There are no preferred majors for entrance into physical therapy programs, although students generally choose applied health science.
In the first year at BGSU, students may enroll as "pre-health professional." They may change to "pre-physical therapy" when they have completed at least 30 hours of coursework, have declared a degree program, and have completed BIOL 2050, CHEM 1250, and CHEM 1270-1280. Upon completion of 30 hours of coursework and the above-mentioned science courses, students must have an overall 3.0 GPA. Upon meeting these criteria, students may contact their college office to replace the label of "pre-health professional" with "pre-physical therapy." If students do not meet these criteria after 30 hours, they may keep their "pre-health professional" label for up to 60 hours. If a student has met the above criteria after 60 hours of coursework, then he or she may change to "pre-physical therapy" at that time. Once students have changed to "pre-physical therapy," they will be expected to meet regularly with their advisors to plan their coursework for subsequent semesters. If, after 60 hours, the above criteria still have not been met, students must drop the "pre-health professional" label and must also meet with an advisor to re-evaluate future goals. Pre-PT students are encouraged to meet frequently with an advisor to ensure progress in meeting the designated prerequisites. Additional information about PT graduate programs may be found at
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:37PM