Bachelor of Science in Nursing - BSN
A candidate for the bachelor of science in nursing degree must earn a minimum of 122 semester hours of credit, either in residence or through transfer of credits, in addition to the requirements under Academic Policies. A minor is not required for graduation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in nursing are expected to:
- Design holistic nursing care with individuals, families, groups, and communities based on Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing;
- Provide competent, culturally sensitive nursing care in a diversity of settings;
- Use skills of critical thinking in the application of theory and research findings from nursing, other sciences, and the humanities as a basis for clinical judgments and scholarly endeavors;
- Develop person-centered, therapeutic relationships with a commitment to individuals as unique self-determining agents;
- Demonstrate effective communication skills (verbal, nonverbal, written, and computer-based);
- Demonstrate consistent professional behavior;
- Collaborate with patients, families, health care providers, and others in the provision of care;
- Integrate principles of leadership and management in the provision and coordination of care;
- Demonstrate self-direction in learning and professional development.
Admission requirements
Admission to the upper division professional nursing program is competitive based on a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and completion of all university required and prerequisite courses with a grade of āCā or higher. Because the number of seats available for starting upper division study each semester is limited, students are encouraged to obtain at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
Applications are submitted to the Nursing Advisor office by January 1st for Summer admission, May 1st for Fall admission, and September 1st for Spring admission. At the time of application, students must have completed all prerequisite courses and most of the university required courses. Applications are not processed if transcripts that document completion of prerequisite courses are missing.
Evaluation of all candidates for admission will include but not be limited to academic progression (including age of course work); review of all course work (including failed, repeated, incomplete, no grade, in progress) and completion of prerequisite courses.
University requirements
These courses are offered at the BGSU main campus or at BGSU Firelands in Huron, Ohio. Each student is required to complete GSW 1120 or demonstrate a proficiency in written expression equivalent to that attained by students who have completed the course. A penalty is imposed if GSW 1120 is not completed within the first 60 hours. (See Academic Policies.)
The above is a suggested program that may be modified according to individual needs and capabilities. The School of Nursing recommends regular academic advisement as the student progresses.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:37PM