Guidelines for Transfer Students

College of Technology, Architecture, and Applied Engineering

Students transferring from another college on the main campus, the Firelands campus, or pre-major advising should initiate the transfer process by speaking with an advisor in the College of Technology's Undergraduate Services Office. After completing a College Transfer Form, the student receives an official orientation from an advisor in the Undergraduate Services Office (419-372-7581). A GPA of at least 2.0 is needed to transfer between colleges.

Students transferring from another institution

Upon admission, a student’s coursework will be evaluated, and those courses appropriate for the major will be used to satisfy specific degree requirements. Depending on the background accumulated at the two-year institution, some introductory courses may be waived even if the student has not taken courses directly equivalent to those required at the University.

Students with an associate degree from an accredited institution may waive one of the required cooperative education courses. If a student has been employed, 40 hours/week for 12 continuous months, in a field related to their chosen major may receive CO-OP course credit through the Credit by Examination (CBE) process.

For ease in transferring into BGSU, students should refer to the statewide U.Select System at

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:23PM