Cooperative Education

College of Technology, Architecture, and Applied Engineering

Cooperative Education (CO-OP) in the College of Technology, Architecture & Applied Engineering consists of required courses that integrate classroom academic work with actual work experiences in that student's chosen major. Student's alternate between semesters completing courses on campus with semesters required to participate in these semester-long, paid, full-time cooperative education courses. The number of CO-OP courses required varies between majors. CO-OP course completion requires that students pay four (4) credit hours of tuition and any applicable University fees.

The Cooperative Education Program requires each College of Technology, Architecture & Applied Engineering student's employment to be directly related to their major. The program also requires that each CO-OP increase in difficulty and responsibility as students progress through their college curriculum. Complete information and requirements are included in the CO-OP Manual, available at: It is each student's responsibility to secure employment for these required cooperative education courses. Resources are available to students through Cooperative Education in the Undergraduate Services Office.

Based upon institutional policy, students enrolled in a cooperative education course, TECH 2890, 3890 and 4890 (4 credit hours each) are classified as a full-time student, completing a full-time academic experience (12 credit hours/ semester) at BGSU, during the semester they are enrolled in said CO-OP course. Some University scholarships, however, have specific requirements that may not apply to this rule. Students should consult appropriate administrators to resolve such issues to avoid specific scholarship complications.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:23PM