Social Work
College of Health and Human Services
223 Health Center, 419-372-2326
This program graduates students competent for beginning generalist social work. Based on a liberal arts foundation, our curriculum provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for competent practice in a variety of social service settings. Preparing students for graduate study is also an important part of our mission.
Students successfully completing the social work program take the state license examination in order to become a licensed social worker (LSW). Social workers find employment in public welfare, corrections, health and mental health, and services to the elderly, children, and families. Social workers practice with people who are negatively impacted by economic structure, crime, victims, suffer physical and mental disabilities, and experience discrimination and oppression. Students prepare for practice with individuals, families, small groups, and communities.
The course of study begins with pre-major status. Students take one introductory social work course along with BG Perspective courses, and then apply for major status. Download the application for the major from here. The College of Health and Human Services Academic Handbook contains more specific degree requirements. Students are admitted to degree status on a competitive basis.
In addition to the course of study, students participate in area social service agencies through observation, volunteer work, and supervised field instruction. The Council on Social Work Education accredits the social work program at the baccalaureate level. Graduates of the program receive a bachelor of science in social work.
Learning Outcomes
Upon graduation, students demonstrate competence in such practice behaviors as the following:
- engaging, assessing, intervening and evaluating individuals, families, groups, and communities;
- analyzing the impact of social policy on client well-being and service delivery systems;
- advocating for human rights and social and economic justice for people impoverished, disenfranchised, or devalued;
- using professional ethics, critical reasoning, and research;
Admission and Continuation in the Social Work Program
- Students can declare themselves as pre-social work at any time prior to admission to the program;
- Students may apply for admission to the program when the following conditions have been met:
- Completion of 30 credit hours;
- Attainment of a 2.5 accumulative GPA;
- Satisfactory completion of SOWK 1100 and SOC 1010 with a grade of "C" or better (Transfer students will also be evaluated upon the same criteria.);
- Program applications are submitted each semester on September 30th and January 30th;
- Decisions regarding admission are made by a faculty committee and notification provided in writing to applicants;
- Students who apply for senior field placement must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the core courses as well as accumulative. To apply for graduation in social work, a 2.5 accumulative GPA is required as well as a 2.5 in the core courses.
- A grade of "C" or higher is required in all degree program core courses.
This program is subject to revision and may be modified to meet student needs. All students must have 122 hours of 1000-level or above courses for graduation.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:23PM