BG Perspective

College of Health and Human Services

The College of Health and Human Services requires a minimum of nine courses from the approved list of BG Perspective courses (see BG Perspective curriculum). The requirements include GSW 1120* (writing proficiency); two courses in each of the knowledge domains in natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts; one course in cultural diversity in the United States; and one BG Perspective elective course. One course from social sciences or humanities/arts must be from an international perspective. Some programs may include BG Perspective courses within the requirements. Students should consult an advisor.

* Note: Each student is required to complete GSW 1120. GSW 1100 and/or 1110 also may be required depending on the student's placement, but only six hours from GSW 1100/1110/1120 count toward graduation.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:22PM