
College of Arts and Sciences

206 Psychology Building, 419-372-2301

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in psychology are expected to:

  • Exhibit broad knowledge about human behavior from a variety of psychological perspectives (biological, cognitive, developmental, social);
  • Demonstrate skills in research and other forms of inquiry in order to develop new knowledge about behavior;
  • Communicate knowledge of psychology to others;
  • Critically evaluate existing psychological knowledge.

Major, Bachelor of Arts (36 hours) minor required - Fall 2014 course requirements

A psychology major may minor in any department with an established minor, or may complete a cognate minor. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in all PSYC courses is required for the degree.

Minor (20 hours in PSYC)

Cognate minor - limited to Psychology majors
A student who elects a cognate minor should select, after consultation with an advisor, 24 hours from at least three fields: BIOL, CHEM, CS, ECON, MATH, PHIL, PHYS, or SOC. Two courses that are used to fulfill group requirements may also be applied to this minor.

Major, Bachelor of Science (36 hours) - minor required - Fall 2014 course requirements

A psychology major may minor in any department with an established minor, or may complete a cognate minor. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in all PSYC courses is required for the degree.

Note: The psychology department requirements differ from the arts and sciences group requirements in the following aspects:

Group III (science and mathematics)
A minimum of 45 hours must be completed in two or more of the following fields: BIOL, CHEM, CS, GEOL, MATH, PHYS, PSYC. No more than 24 hours of PSYC may be applied to this group. Each student must demonstrate proficiency equivalent to completion of MATH 2320. Additional preparation in MATH is advisable for the student planning to do advanced graduate work in psychology

Group IV (social sciences)
Two PSYC courses may be applied

Group V (humanities)
Students may want to consider courses in logic and the philosophy of science

Minor (20 hours in PSYC)

Cognate minor - limited to Psychology majors
A student who elects a cognate minor should select, after consultation with an advisor, 24 hours from at least three fields: BIOL, CHEM, CS, ECON, MATH, PHIL, PHYS, or SOC. Two courses that are used to fulfill group requirements may also be applied to this minor.

Science major
This minor is offered for the student who receives the bachelor of science degree. In place of a conventional minor, a student may bring the total in Group III (science and mathematics requirement) to 53 hours by following a program approved by the major advisor. No more than 33 hours in the major field may be applied to this requirement.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM